Decidim Barcelona – Repensem 22@

Decidim was created in 2016 by the city of Barcelona to facilitate direct democracy and transparent public decision-making processes through the systematic use of ICT devices in citizen participation processes. Decidim is now an open-source platform that is used by more than 111 communities active in different cities at the European level and in diverse forms of organization.

As of the moment this document was elaborated (spring 2019), in Barcelona, the platform counts more than 32 000 registered participants, 13 000 proposals, 1 300 face- to-face meetings, 190 000 supports collected and more than 9 000 citizen proposals accepted.

Among the 38 participative processes of the city, the initiative “Repensem el 22@” was the first one in Barcelona to adopt the Municipal Citizen Participation Regulation. The process was chosen to illustrate and raise debates on how complex and long-term co- creation processes involving the quadruple-helix stakeholders can be reinforced by citizen participative processes managed by Local Decidim Communities and implemented through the platform.